About Seirogan

History of Trumpet Trademark

Everybody is familiar with the Trumpet trademark of Seirogan. This trumpet is not intended trumpet for music, rather for spreading a message. Like the well-known tune “Trumpet March,” it is used to beckon soldiers to their meals.

Before the Trumpet, the following logos were used for Seirogan.

One hundred years of the Trumpet trademark
Generation I 1902
Chuyu-Seirogan Chuyu-Seirogan The character "Cheng (誠)", which means honesty in English, is added at the heart of the globe
Generation II 1949
Nakajima-Seirogan Nakajima-Seirogan The character "Cheng (誠)", which means honesty in English, is added at the heart of the globe
Generation III 1969
Seirogan Seirogan The Trumpet trademark is added
at the heart of the globe
Generation IV 1972
Seirogan Seirogan The Trumpet

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