Truth of Seirogan

Misconceptions about creosote

Creosote is effective against gastrointestinal disorders and is the major ingredient of Seirogan. However, people often have misconceptions about creosote. The following highlights the latest research findings on creosote that can ease the common misconceptions.

Creosote has two varieties: medical creosote and preservative creosote. Will it kill the bacteria inside our stomach? Is it effective against any kind of diarrhea?

Is it effective against any from of diarrhea?

Helps resume normal intestinal motion and functions

Helps resume normal intestinal motion and functions

Diarrhea refers to the abnormal motion and functions of the intestinal tract, and may result from a particular cause or the inability to regulate water in the intestinal tract as a result of enteritis. Although the most effective treatment would be to eliminate the cause(s) of illness, it is quite difficult to discover and eliminate the cause(s) of unexpected diarrhea or stress-related diarrhea.

The alternative would be to take measures that would help resume the normal motion and functions of the intestinal tract.
Instead of an anti-diarrheal drug, Seirogan and Seirogan Toi-A (made with JP wood creosote) relieve diarrhea by inhibiting the motion of both the intestinum tenue and intestinum crassum. Since it resumes the normal functions of the intestinal tract, it is suitable for relieving diarrhea from all causes.

No virus or toxin will be left inside the intestinal tract

Food poisoning symptoms or vomiting usually result from bacterial or viral infection of the intestinal tract, toxins in the intestinal tract, or inflammation of the intestinal tract.
One should be aware that some anti-diarrheal drugs will block the motion of the intestinal tract but leave bacteria, viruses, or toxins that induce the intestinal disorders inside the intestinal tract; this might further deteriorate the patients condition.
Seirogan or Seirogan Toi-A do not block normal peristalsis; therefore, no bacteria, viruses or toxins will be left inside the intestinal tract.

However, when diarrhea is accompanied with high fever or bloody stools, please seek medical attention.

Intestinal tract with a blocked motion

Some medications will block the motion of the intestinal tract, and one should pay special attention to them.

Intestinal tract with normal motion

Neither Seirogan nor Seirogan Toi-A will block motion of the intestinal tract.


Treatment of any associated dehydration is also recommended

Treatment of any associated dehydration is also recommended

Water, electrolytes and nutrients inside the human body will be lost when diarrhea continues for an extended period. Severe or continuous diarrhea will result in dehydration, which can be dangerous in children or the elderly. Seirogan and Seirogan Toi-A can supplement water and inhibit water release, and they are recommended to prevent dehydration.

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